Friday, October 25, 2013

Comedy Salad with Buddah #1 Alex Ortiz

"Comedy Salad with Buddah" is a new blog about comedians and their world of comedy. There will be 6 questions for the comedian and he/she will fire one back for Buddah to answer. You will also get to know a little something about each comic personally. Today I get the pleasure of interviewing Chicago's very own Alex Ortiz as he has a rare weekend off due to travel complications. Here we go:

BUDDAH: What has been your most rewarding comedy experience?

ALEX: Winning Showtime at the Appollos TKO Comedy Championship. 3000 people screaming my name was pretty cool and it put me on the map.

BUDDAH: Who has been the most influential person/people in your standup comedy career?

ALEX: Damon Williams. He has been the most helpful and the Best Mentor Ever.

BUDDAH: Do you have any tips/advice for any up and coming comic?

AlLEX: The only advice I give comics is to get on stage. No one can teach you comedy. You must learn it by doing it.

BUDDAH: Besides standup comedy what else are you truly passionate about?

ALEX: BEARS FOOTBALL. Nothing else matters.

BUDDAH: Do you think the Chicago Cubs will ever win a World Series again?

ALEX: I would love to see it for Cub fans but I'm already old and may not live that long. Plus, I'm a Pirates fan.

BUDDAH: What would your ideal meal be including dessert?

ALEX: Popeyes Chicken and peach cobbler.

And one question from Alex to Buddah: How many times has someone told you "I got a joke you can use on stage?" And how many are terrible?

BUDDAH: Countless times over the past five years and all of them are terrible for standup purposes. We comics have to write our own material for stage.

Alex Ortiz
Having seen Alex perform twice I can tell you he is worth every penny you will pay so catch him live at a comedy club near you as his star contines to rise and shine.
His face lights up any comedy room!

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